Equal shared Parental Responsibility

Equal shared Parental Responsibility

Equal shared parental responsibility on separation is presumed to be equal for your children. If there are risks such as domestic violence, abuse, neglect and difficultly in communicating then this may not be in your child’s best interest. Sole parental responsibility...
Sole Parental Responsibility

Sole Parental Responsibility

Sole parental responsibility means that the major decisions for your children are being made by one parent only. This could be due to domestic violence, abuse, neglect, a parent not willing to make decisions or difficulty communicating. This does not mean that the...
When A Loved One Passes

When A Loved One Passes

We often encounter grieving families at a loss of what needs to be done immediately after a loved one has passed away. It’s not uncommon for family members to contact our office on the day a loved one passes or in the coming days. Whilst commencing the administration...
What is Capacity?

What is Capacity?

Last month we discovered how important it is to make an Enduring Power of Attorney (EPO) early and to not wait until it “is needed”, that is when it is too late. When is it too late? Well, that is once you have lost capacity. The majority of people I see are making an...
Do You Have a Power of Attorney?

Do You Have a Power of Attorney?

The most common and most concerning thing I hear on a daily basis about Powers of Attorney (“POA”) is: “I’ll make that when I need it, I don’t think I really need it now”. As a lawyer I wince every time I hear this statement knowing that when a person needs a POA –...